
Any type of information available on this site or posted on fitalways.site has not been examined by the food and drug administration. This website has all right to allocation of health supplement product that is manufactured by foreign companies. This website has copy write of their trademark and logo, you can’t make copy of trademark and logo without permission of the owner of this website.

The information available on this website come from various resources and no one is responsible for any type of information posted over the website. This website is only for the purpose of promotion of this product. You cannot go for any claim or create any type of liability against this website. No fee will be refundable by this website because we are not the owner of this product. Fee will be refunded by the manufacturer only.

In no case money will be returned, the information available on this website is collected by the various users and from the manufacturer. So this website is not liable for any consequences happen with you or any relative. This website is not liable for any type of refund of money because of we are only promoting the product.

The information provided on this website is written as it is the provide by the various resources so it does not have any type of warranty. The information is on fitalways.site, any warranty about use of the product, accuracy and consistency of the information provided. We also do not provide any warranty to mistake made by machine or human, losses or delay including any type of data losses.

The information that is available on the website is just for the customer help and only for general purpose. We try our level best to keep our website up-to-date. Our first priority is to satisfy the consumer only. The information is on website is only the summary of this product. We try to all the relevant information to the consumer which they really need or except to have that information on website. The usage of this entire product available on this website should be taken under the knowledge of doctor or physician. If you going through any medical problem then you should consult your doctor before the usage of this product.

We always try to remain answerable to our customer and make our website as simple as you can access through the website. We always try to remain up-to-date about the product and make our consumer to have worthy on us. We always try to answer our consumer as soon as it is possible.

If you go through any misrepresentation or anything which you thing is violating this product or any information which is unuseful or malfunction or manipulation of this product then immediately contact us we promise we will rectify that error as soon as it possible.

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